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Environmental archaeology
Underwater archaeology
Industrial archaeology
Archaeological science, methodology & techniques
History of Western philosophy
Non-Western philosophy
Philosophy: metaphysics & ontology
Philosophy: epistemology & theory of knowledge
Philosophy: logic
Philosophy of mind
Philosophy: aesthetics
Ethics & moral philosophy
Social & political philosophy
Popular philosophy
Religion: general
Other non-Christian religions
Aspects of religion (non-Christian)
Alternative belief systems
Cultural studies
Media studies
Social issues & processes
Popular beliefs & controversial knowledge
Ethical issues & debates
Social groups
Social welfare & social services
Crime & criminology
Psychological theory & schools of thought
Psychological methodology
Child & developmental psychology
Psychology of ageing
Family psychology
Psychology of gender
Social, group or collective psychology
Occupational & industrial psychology
Criminal or forensic psychology
Experimental psychology
Physiological & neuro-psychology, biopsychology
Abnormal psychology
Psychology: emotions
Cognition & cognitive psychology
The self, ego, identity, personality
States of consciousness
Sexual behaviour
Parapsychological studies
Philosophy & theory of education
History of education
Educational psychology
Educational strategies & policy
Education: care & counselling of students
Organization & management of education
Higher & further education, tertiary education
Adult education, continuous learning
Open learning, home learning, distance education
Careers guidance
Teaching of specific groups & persons with special educational needs
Teaching skills & techniques
Teaching of a specific subject
Educational equipment & technology, computer-aided learning (CAL)
Extra-curricular activities
Study & learning skills: general
Political science & theory
Comparative politics
Political ideologies
Political structure & processes
Political parties
Public administration
Central government
Regional government
International relations
Political control & freedoms
Political activism
Political corruption
Theory of warfare & military science
Land forces & warfare
Naval forces & warfare
Air forces & warfare
Special & elite forces
Military administration
Defence strategy, planning & research
War & defence operations
Weapons & equipment
Military life & institutions
Other warfare & defence issues
Economic theory & philosophy
Economics of industrial organisation
Labour economics
Economic growth
Economic forecasting
Behavioural economics
International economics
Development economics & emerging economies
Environmental economics
Political economy
Health economics
Welfare economics
Economic systems & structures
Agricultural economics
Urban economics
Economic & financial crises & disasters
Popular economics
Economic history
Business studies: general
Business strategy
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E-commerce: business aspects
Business competition
Business ethics & social responsibility
Business & the environment, Green approaches to business
International business
Consultancy & grants for businesses
Management & management techniques
Business negotiation
Business communication & presentation
Business mathematics & systems
Corporate governance
Sales & marketing
Operational research
Organizational theory & behaviour
Ownership & organization of enterprises
Office & workplace
History of specific companies / corporate history
Primary industries
Energy industries & utilities
Manufacturing industries
Transport industries
Construction & heavy industry
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Service industries
Media, information & communication industries
Civil service & public sector
Industrial relations, health & safety
Jurisprudence & philosophy of law
Systems of law
Comparative law
Law & society
Criminology: legal aspects
Legal skills & practice
Legal profession: general
Law as it applies to other professions
Legal history
Public international law
International law of transport, communications & commerce
Private international law & conflict of laws
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Legal system: general
Private / Civil law: general works
Company, commercial & competition law
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Criminal law & procedure
Employment & labour law
Entertainment & media law
Environment, transport & planning law
Equity & trusts
Family law
Financial law
IT & Communications law
Intellectual property law
Property law
Social law
Taxation & duties law
Torts / Delicts
Wills & probate / Succession
Primary sources of law
Medical profession
Medical bioinformatics
Medical equipment & techniques
Public health & preventive medicine
Health systems & services
Medicolegal issues
Medical sociology
History of medicine
Human reproduction, growth & development
Medical genetics
Medical diagnosis
Diseases & disorders
Cardiovascular medicine
Musculoskeletal medicine
Respiratory medicine
Neurology & clinical neurophysiology
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT)
Renal medicine & nephrology
Urology & urogenital medicine
Gynaecology & obstetrics
Paediatric medicine
Sports and Games
Theory of art
Conservation, restoration & care of artworks
Forgery, falsification & theft of artworks
Art: financial aspects
Art styles not defined by date
History of art: pre-history
History of art: ancient & classical art,BCE to c 500 CE
History of art: Byzantine & Medieval art c 500 CE to c 1400
History of art & design styles: c 1400 to c 1600
History of art & design styles: c 1600 to c 1800
History of art & design styles: c 1800 to c 1900
History of art & design styles: from c 1900 -
Painting & paintings
Drawing & drawings
Prints & printmaking
Other graphic art forms
Non-graphic art forms
Ceramic arts, pottery, glass
Decorative arts
Textile artworks
Body art & tattooing
Individual artists, art monographs
Exhibition catalogues & specific collections
Human figures depicted in art
Animals & nature in art (still life, landscapes & seascapes, etc)
Religious subjects depicted in art
Art techniques & principles
Individual photographers
Photographs: collections
Photographic equipment & techniques
Special kinds of photography
Individual designers
Graphic design
Typography & lettering
Book design
Illustration & commercial art
Product design
Furniture design
Fashion & textiles: design
Theory of architecture
Individual architects & architectural firms
Architectural structure & design
Architecture: professional practice
Public buildings: civic, commercial, industrial, etc
Residential buildings, domestic buildings
Religious buildings
Professional interior design
Landscape art & architecture
History of architecture
Theatre: individual actors & directors
Acting techniques
Theatre direction & production
Theatre: technical & background skills
Theatre management
Individual actors & performers
Films, cinema
Other performing arts
Theory of music & musicology
Music reviews & criticism
Music: styles & genres
Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups
Musical scores, lyrics & libretti
Musical instruments & instrumental ensembles
Techniques of music / music tutorials
Autobiography: general
Biography: business & industry
Biography: arts & entertainment
Biography: historical, political & military
Biography: literary
Biography: royalty
Biography: sport
Biography: science, technology & medicine
Biography: religious & spiritual
True crime
True stories: discovery / historical / scientific
True war & combat stories
True stories of heroism, endurance & survival
Usage & grammar guides
Public speaking guides
Creative writing & creative writing guides
Writing & editing guides
Language: history & general works
Philosophy of language
Historical & comparative linguistics
Semantics, discourse analysis, etc
Phonetics, phonology
Grammar, syntax & morphology
Palaeography (history of writing)
Translation & interpretation
Computational linguistics
Sign languages, Braille & other linguistic communication
Language teaching theory & methods
Language teaching & learning material & coursework
Language learning: specific skills
Poetry by individual poets
Poetry anthologies (various poets)
Shakespeare plays
Literary essays
Reportage & collected journalism
Literary theory
Literary studies: general
Literary studies: poetry & poets
Literary studies: plays & playwrights
Literary studies: fiction, novelists & prose writers
Literary reference works
Childrens & teenage literature studies
ELT: teaching theory & methods
ELT dictionaries & reference
ELT grammar, vocabulary & pronunciation
ELT graded readers
ELT non-book material & resources
ELT workbooks, practice books & exercises
ELT self-study texts
ELT examination practice tests
ELT: specific skills
ELT: English for business
ELT: English for academic purposes
ELT: English for technical & scientific purposes
Classic crime
Historical mysteries
Espionage & spy thriller
Political / legal thriller
Historical adventure
War & combat fiction
Classic horror & ghost stories
Classic science fiction
Space opera
Fantasy romance
Adult & contemporary romance
Historical romance
Graphic novels: Manga
Graphic novels: literary & memoirs
Graphic novels: superheroes & super-villains
Graphic novels: true stories & non-fiction
Short stories
Fiction in translation
Fiction companions
Graphic novels: history & criticism
General encyclopaedias
Reference works
Geographical reference
Library, archive & information management
IT, Internet & electronic resources in libraries
Acquisitions & collection development
Bibliographic & subject control
Library & information services
Archiving, preservation & digitisation
Information theory
Data analysis: general
Coding theory & cryptology
Decision theory: general
Research methods: general
Regional studies
Communication studies
Semiotics / semiology
Development studies
Flags, emblems, symbols, logos
Peace studies & conflict resolution
Institutions & learned societies: general
Cognitive science
History: theory & methods
General & world history
Regional & national history
History: earliest times to present day
History: specific events & topics
Military history
Archaeological theory
Archaeology by period / region
Landscape archaeology
Rural Socialogy Human Migration And Social Work
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Yanadi Response to Change: An attempt in Action Anthropology
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On Critique: A Sociology of Emancipation
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Status of Girl Child in India
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