What does PriceTree do?

PriceTree is a price comparison website allow users to find the best price online across thousands of online and offline retailers in India.

PriceTree for Retailers

PriceTree offers competitive pricing analysis, assortment analysis and promotion analysis report to allow retailers to monitor their competitors' prices to optimize pricing strategies and increase revenue.

  1. Find the right price opportunities to increase margins
  2. Out of stock/Not available at key competitors, all competitors’ reports
  3. Create custom reports & set email alerts

And lots more custom reports to win in the competition and make better business decision on time

We are everywhere
  1. PriceTree Website
  2. PriceTree Coupons
  3. PriceTree Mobile Website
  4. PriceTree Android App
  5. PriceTree Store Locator

How to add a store?

  1. Sign in with Google or Facebook
  2. Go to "Add a store" page
  3. Fill the required details for your online/offline store
  4. Submit for review
  5. Go to "How to verify a store listing"
  6. It may take up to 24-72 hours, you will get en email(Make sure your email id is correct in your profile) once your store is approved and visible on PriceTree

How to verify a store ownership?

Prerequisites : You've already added your store, Check the FAQ 2.

  1. Add the following HTML code in your website home/index page
    Discount Coupons and Best Price Guarantee by <a href=”http://www.pricetree.com”>PriceTree</a>


    <a href=”http://www.pricetree.com”><img src=”http://img.pricetree.com/logo.png” alt=”PriceTree”/></a>
  2. Send an email to business@pricetree.com to verify your listing
  3. It may take up to 24-72 hours, you will get en email as soon as your store is approved and visible on PriceTree
  4. Once approved, you can add coupons, product listing for your store @ no cost

How to submit coupons?

Prerequisites : You've already added a store and verified ownership, Check the FAQ 2 & FAQ 3.

  1. Sign in with Google or Facebook
  2. Go to "Submit Coupon" page
  3. Fill the required details for coupon or deal
  4. Submit for review
  5. Once approved, your coupon will be visible on store page, category page, search page and home page(if impressive deal) @ no cost

How to add product listing?

Prerequisites : You've already added a store and verified ownership, Check the FAQ 2 & FAQ 3.

  1. Sign in with Google or Facebook
  2. Visit any product page, by browsing through menu or search options
  3. At the bottom of price comparison section, you can find “Add your store” button on each product pages. Click on “Add your store” button.
  4. Fill the required details in next page, e.g product landing page, price and then click on “Submit”.
    Note : Before adding a product listing, You must need to make sure you are offering the same product. For example if you want to list your store for “Samsung Galaxy S3” mobile phone then your landing page(URL) must point to the same mobile phone. PriceTree has a strict policy and our review team may disapprove any listing or block your account temporarily/permanently if any discrepancy found.
  5. It may take up to 24-72 hours, you will get en email as soon as your product listing is approved and visible on that product page. You can also check status on user dashboard after sign in

Still need help? Contact us : business@pricetree.com